Benefits of Using a CPAP Machine

Benefits of Using a CPAP Machine

CPAP is the most common treatment for obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). The ventilator sends pressurized air into your body through a circuit to keep the upper airway open during sleep. CPAP is recommended as the initial treatment for moderate or severe OSA, and in patients with mild OSA associated with insomnia, sleep disruption, or excessive daytime sleepiness, CPAP is also recommended. When used consistently and with effective treatment, CPAP can improve daytime sleepiness, quality of life, and can have positive effects on cardiac and metabolic health. Today we’re outlining the benefits of using a CPAP machine. If you already have your CPAP machine, we hope this information will help you stay committed to wearing it. If you are considering getting a CPAP machine, hopefully learning the benefits will help you take that first step.



Prevention of Disease Risks

CPAP can prevent or treat the serious consequences of obstructive sleep apnea. This treatment can help you prevent the following serious health risks:


  • Heart Disease

By treating sleep apnea, you can reduce your risk of heart disease. Sleep apnea is linked to a variety of heart conditions because it makes you stop breathing many times a night. These pauses in breathing cause changes in your blood pressure and may lower your blood oxygen levels. This puts a lot of pressure on your heart.

People with untreated sleep apnea had a higher rate of death from heart disease than people with no or treated sleep apnea. Prolonged use of CPAP therapy can protect you from heart disease and reduce your chances of dying from heart disease. These heart problems include: congestive heart failure, coronary artery disease, arrhythmia


  • Stroke

If you have sleep apnea, continued use of CPAP can reduce your risk of stroke, one of the leading causes of death and long-term disability. A stroke is a sudden loss of brain function. It occurs when one of the blood vessels leading to the brain becomes blocked or ruptured. People with 

untreated sleep apnea are two to four times more likely to have a stroke.


  • Diabetes

Treating your sleep apnea with CPAP can improve insulin sensitivity. Sleep apnea is associated with glucose tolerance and insulin resistance, two factors in type 2 diabetes. Untreated sleep apnea increases the risk of developing type 2 diabetes.


  • Energetic during the Day

Lethargy and daytime fatigue are common symptoms of sleep apnea. CPAP removes apnea from sleep, restoring your normal sleep patterns and increasing total sleep time. This will help you wake up more refreshed and boost your energy throughout the day.

  • Correct Judgment

Untreated severe sleep apnea can damage your brain tissue. As a result you may not be able to concentrate. You may also suffer from memory loss. Using CPAP may improve your ability to think, concentrate, and make decisions. This also increases your productivity and reduces your chances of making costly mistakes at work.


  • Emotionally Stable

Untreated sleep apnea can increase your risk of depression. CPAP can help improve your mood, reduce your risk of depression, and improve your overall quality of life.


  • Beauty Benefits

While it may seem unrelated, using a CPAP machine regularly can help you look your best. According to a University of Michigan Study, improved facial appearance was noticed following regular CPAP machine use (specifically a reduction in the appearance of facial puffiness and redness). This means that when you use your CPAP machine regularly, you may be giving your beauty routine a boost!


  • Greater Comfort for Your Spouse

Snoring is one of the side effects of sleep apnea, which can make it difficult for your spouse to rest. When you use your CPAP machine, the pressurized air helps to keep your airways open. It also prevents the throat from collapsing, and keeps the uvula, soft palate and tongue from obscuring the airway (which leads to snoring). This means less snoring for you and more rest for your spouse.


  • Medical Expenses

By improving your health, CPAP treatment can reduce your medical bills. Sleep apnea can lead to more health problems and more doctor visits. Treatment for serious health risks associated with sleep apnea, such as heart disease, stroke and diabetes, can be expensive. Medical costs are reduced when CPAP is used to treat sleep apnea.



Sleep apnea is a serious condition that can not only negatively impact your quality of life, but also cause adverse health conditions. CPAP therapy is a very effective treatment, however, consistent regular use is needed in order to bring the most benefit to your health and effectively control symptoms. If you are suffering from sleep apnea and would like to explore treatment options, contact us today to make an appointment and begin the journey to getting the sleep you need.


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