There are different ways to classify the various types of CPAP masks, here I would like to introduce you to three ways. And according to different classification methods, you can choose the most suitable mask for yourself.

First of all, according to the difference in the CPAP masks themselves, they can be divided into the following three categories: full face masks, nasal masks and nasal pillow masks. The main difference between them is the amount of coverage on your face and the weight. Full face masks cover your nose and your mouth. Precisely because it covers the largest area, it is also the heaviest of several products. Nasal masks fit over your nose only, offering a lighter fit than full face masks. Nasal pillow masks are even more lightweight and minimal than nasal masks, offering a high level of openness and visibility, which are the least obtrusive, as they cover only the nostrils and do not have a hard shell.
Secondly, according to different user groups, it can be divided into two types: CPAP masks for women and CPAP masks for men. It is well known that men and women have different body structures. Compared to men, women tend to have smaller, narrower airways and thinner tongues, while men have wider and thicker airways and thicker tongues. Many women tend to overlook their own sleep apnea because it is often assumed that men need CPAP masks to treat snoring more than women, but in fact the frequency of sleep apnea diagnoses in women is increasing every year. For women's sleep apnea treatment, many manufacturers of home CPAP machines have designed more personalized solutions specifically for women to suit their different anatomy and specific comfort needs.
Thirdly, according to the different diseases, CPAP masks can be divided into two categories, one is for the treatment of sleep apnea, and the other is for the treatment of other diseases, such as heart failure, obese patients with hypoventilation and so on. The main goal of most CPAP machine buyers is to treat sleep apnea, and CPAP is also the preferred treatment for sleep apnea. First of all, you should go to the hospital. After the professional judgment of the doctor, sleep monitoring will be carried out, and then the sleep monitoring report will be obtained for further diagnosis. After the diagnosis is confirmed, the treatment plan will be considered. If you choose to use CPAP therapy, you need to perform pressure titration before CPAP therapy, and then wear the CPAP machine to perform sleep monitoring again. The purpose of this sleep monitoring is to change the sleep and breathing conditions to normal. Record the mode, pressure, etc. of the CPAP machine at this time, and issue a CPAP prescription. Then the doctor issues the purchase prescription and recommendations, and the patient can purchase it by himself.
So how can you buy the most comfortable CPAP mask?
We recommend that you start with the sleeping position you are most comfortable with. Many people believe that CPAP users must sleep on their backs because they cannot sleep comfortably on their sides or stomach as long as they wear a mask. In fact, people can freely choose those masks specially designed for different sleeping positions according to their preferred sleeping positions. According to the different sleeping positions of users, it can be divided into the following three categories: side sleepers, back sleepers and stomach sleepers. Sleeping on your side is one of the best positions for sleep apnea because it prevents gravity from affecting the airway, just like it does when lying on your back or stomach. The best fit for side sleepers is a nasal pillow mask, which prevents air leaks from side sleeping, or a nasal mask with a soft and adjustable headband. People sleeping on their stomachs are likely to cause the mask to press into the face, causing discomfort and frequent air leaks, and possibly causing discomfort to your head and neck. So the best fit for them is a nasal pillow mask, as they're less likely to come off or cause pain no matter your sleeping position. Back sleeper CPAP users can use whatever CPAP masks they want.