A continuous positive airway pressure machine, abbreviated as CPAP machine, is a device that helps avoid sudden airway collapse in obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). CPAP machine is designed to pressurizing air into the airway and maintain the airway open for better sleep. Travelling can be both exciting and tiring, and for people with OSA, traveling with sleep apnea can be a dangerous thing. So it is very essential for them to take a CPAP machine to help them breathe more easily by delivering continuously air. Here are 5 things that you should know about travel with CPAP machine.
1. How to Choose A Right Travel Size CPAP?
There is an array of travel CPAP machines on the market and you may find it difficult to find the right one. To help you enjoy the maximum benefit from CPAP machine, there are the following factors that you should take into consideration.
Sound Level
The standard unit for noise is the decibel and an average decibel is between 20 and 30. It is important to notice the decibel of a CPAP machine as a high decibel may be too noisy for your family and yourself. So, it is better to choose the quietest CPAP machine so that it won't disturb you.
Cotton Filter
Almost every CPAP machine on the market has a different filter shape and configuration. The principle of a CPAP machine is to pressurize the air through a turbine (motor), filter out some of the air's impurities, and then enter the obstructed airway through the line. The cotton filter plays an important role in a CPAP machine, which can affect the servic life of the machine.
Data Analysis
Data analysis is very helpful as it can monitor problems when the CPAP machine is in use. Some devices can also store the data history for better understanding of OSA patients' healthy conditions. Currently, almost all new CPAP machines on the market support Bluetooth connectivity, allowing doctors and other family members to see the data.
Appearance and Comfort
To travel light, a CPAP machine should be small and weightless enough so that it can be carried around anywhere and anytime during the trip. In addition, customers should take the comfort of CPAP machine into consideration. A CPAP machine with a humidifier offers added comfort and the best humidity level for cpap machine is 3. It can surely improve mouth dryness, especially suitable for patients with rhinitis or elders.
Airplane Use
If you're going to travel by plane, the travel CPAP should be certified by the FAA for in-flight use.
2. What is the Best Travel CPAP?
Best Travel CPAP is generally smaller and more portable than the standard CPAP machine. BMC CPAP machine is well-known for its affordable price and excellent performance.
BMC M1 Mini Portable Travel Auto CPAP Machine is specifically designed for people with snoring Obstructive Sleep Apnea and Hypopnea Syndrome. This lightweight, compact can be considered as one of the best quiet CPAP machines. It features a waterless humidification function that helps adds humidity to your mouth. In addition, this travel CPAP has three modes of standard, soft, and female according to the different needs of patients with OSA. The product also supports Bluetooth connectivity and it allows for a safe and comfortable travel for patients with OSA.