Why Do You Snore Even When Using CPAP?

Why Do You Snore Even When Using CPAP?

Many snorers reflect that they breathe smoothly and the symptoms of snoring and apnea are alleviated after wearing a CPAP machine. With a better night's sleep in the evening and fresh energy in the daytime, the snorers feel that the brain gets enough oxygen so that their health level is improved. However, some users hold different opinions about it and say that they still snore at night after using CPAP machines, What is the reason for this?

When using the CPAP machine, if occasional slight snoring happened but the duration is very short, it is normal and doesn't need to worry about it. However, if your partner found the occurrence of snoring and even sleep apnea several times to you while you are using a CPAP machine, it should be taken care of. Be sure to record the degree and frequency of snoring. And then you should provide doctors with more detailed information for targeted solutions.

If you still snore frequently when wearing CPAP machines, it may be that there is an obvious problem with your machine's parameters.

A possible cause of snoring:

Air leakage may occur in the mask or pipe

You need to check if the mask is not properly worn so there is an air leak, or if insufficient pressure is caused by pressing the tube during sleep.

You may need to adjust your machine position and sleeping position, for example, the side position can make your airway more open and mouth breathing is less likely, and the tube is less likely to be pressed. If the mask is not suitable for you, you need to choose another style of mask or chin strap. you also need to pay attention to the regular replacement and inspection of accessories to avoid air leakage caused by ageing.

The setting pressure of CPAP machines is inappropriate

Based on the above clarification, we learned that the principle of snoring is due to the relaxation of our tongue, epiglottis and soft palate. When the air flows through the area behind the base of the tongue, it vibrates, causing snoring. When it is more serious, it leads to apnea for more than 10 seconds and causes a decrease in blood oxygen. That is "obstructive sleep apnea".

After wearing a ventilator, due to a continuous positive pressure blowing to the airway, the original blocked position is always unobstructed. When there is no mouth breathing and snoring, apnea is also eliminated.

After wearing the CPAP machine, when the machine parameters are not adjusted properly so that the airflow pressure is not enough, the airway collapses again, the user opens his mouth again, the airflow occurs eddy current, and snoring appears.
You need to adjust the ventilator parameters to solve this problem or replace a more suitable CPAP machine.

End-expiratory airway collapse

In other cases, the end-expiratory airway collapses when the user is using a CPAP machine, resulting in apnea several times and slight snoring at night. This also needs to adjust the machine settings. So we need to monitor our usage data, and carefully analyze the data from which we can find problems in use. If there are problems, you need to contact the doctor in time to adjust the appropriate parameters. Keep in mind that please don't adjust the machine at will.

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