What 's Snoring?

What 's Snoring?

What 's Snoring?

Snoring is also called snoring and snoring. It is more common in life now. Some people snort badly when they are tired, or they snor after drinking, and some people snor like thunder every night. Repeatedly suspend sleep apnea, causing severe hypoxia in the brain and blood, forming hypoxemia, and inducing hypertension, cerebral heart disease, arrhythmia, myocardial infarction, and angina pectoris; nocturnal apnea for more than 120 seconds is prone to sudden death in the early morning.
How is snoring caused ?

1. Abnormal nose

If there is an abnormality in the respiratory tract, snoring will also occur. Such as nasal septum deviation, nasal polyps and so on. These symptoms can cause a narrowing of the nose, which can block airflow and cause snoring. In addition, there are maxillofacial developmental deformities, such as micrognathia, which can also cause airflow obstruction in the nasopharynx when breathing, which is more serious during sleep at night, causing snoring.

2. Obese

Obese people are more likely to snoring, because the airways of obese people are usually narrower than normal. Therefore, obesity is also one of the reasons for snoring. The solution is to carry out scientific and effective weight loss, so as to effectively treat snoring.

3. Tongue hypertrophy

Tonsils, soft palate and tongue hypertrophy, uvula too long, throat laxity, tongue suffix, etc. Local obesity or deformation of these organs and tissues may cause pharyngeal stenosis, poor breathing airflow, especially nerve excitation during sleep Sexual decline.

4. Cardiovascular disease
ENT experts point out that the causes of snoring appear to be naturally linked to cardiovascular disease. This is because habitual snorers have hypoxemia caused by different degrees of apnea, resulting in increased blood pressure.

5.The tension of the palatine, tongue and pharyngeal muscles is insufficient to keep the airway open during the inspiratory phase of the respiratory cycle.

6.. The soft palate and uvula are too long, resulting in narrowing of the nasopharyngeal airway and vibration during breathing.

7.The pharyngeal cavity has space-occupying lesions, thus occupying the pharyngeal airway.

8.Nasal ventilation is restricted, which can generate greater negative pressure in the collapsed airway portion during inspiration.

9.apnea syndrome
Many people open their mouths involuntarily after falling asleep, which is caused by sleep apnea syndrome. People with this disease often wake up repeatedly during sleep because of the stoppage of breathing, and wake up looking very tired, and sometimes even accompanied by severe headaches.

How do you know if you have sleep apnea hypopnea syndrome?
Main performance during the day:

1. The most common manifestations of drowsiness, mild cases are drowsiness and drowsiness during daytime work or study, severe cases can be uncontrollable sleep during watching TV, meetings, driving, driving, and listening to lectures.

2. Dizziness and fatigue Due to repeated apnea and hypoxemia at night, the continuity of sleep is interrupted, the number of awakenings increases, and the quality of sleep decreases. There are often different degrees of dizziness, fatigue and fatigue.

3. Abnormal mental behavior, inability to concentrate, decline in fine operation ability, decline in memory and judgment, and dementia in the elderly. The damage to the brain caused by nocturnal hypoxemia and the changes in sleep structure, the reduction of late-night sleep time is the main reason.

4. Morning headaches are often morning pains, dull pains are more common, but not severe, and can last for 1-2 hours. Sometimes painkillers are needed to relieve them. with elevated blood pressure. intracranial pressure, changes in cerebral blood flow.

5. Personality changes are irritability, irritability, anxiety, etc. In severe cases, it may have a certain impact on family and social life, and even lead to depression.

6. The decrease of sexual function may lead to decreased libido and even impotence.

Main performance at night:

1. Snoring is the main symptom. The sound is irregular and varies in height. It is often the sound of snoring - stop of airflow - gasping - snoring alternately. In severe cases, there may be obvious cyanosis.

2. Apnea Most patients may have apnea, which mostly ends with gasping, waking up, or loud snoring.

3. After apnea, the patient suddenly wakes up, often accompanied by turning over, involuntary movements of the limbs or even convulsions, or suddenly starting, may have palpitation, chest tightness or discomfort in the precordial area.

4. Hyperactivity and restlessness Because of hypoxemia, patients turn over and turn more frequently at night.

5. Sweating and sweating more, especially in the neck and upper chest, is related to hypercapnia caused by respiratory effort and apnea after airway obstruction.

6. Some patients with enuresis may have enuresis, which may disappear after treatment.

7. Abnormal sleep behavior manifested as fear, screaming, raving, night wandering and auditory hallucinations.

Other manifestations: may be accompanied by obesity, short neck, jaw deformity, turbinate hypertrophy, nasal polyps, tonsil hypertrophy, tongue hypertrophy, etc.

Doctors can preliminarily determine whether there is sleep apnea syndrome through the symptoms, and then perform sleep monitoring on the patient, and judge the severity of sleep apnea according to the results of sleep monitoring. Common sleep detection equipment polysomnography or primary screening diagnostic equipment .
After you are diagnosed with sleep apnea syndrome, you need to take prompt treatment measures.

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